What skill can you share? What knowledge do you have that will solve someone else's problem. Get writing! But write simply and write succinctly. Problem solving is what you should aim for. Because actually writing your eBook, and publishing it as a downloadable PDF eBook is only half the battle.
There are many many excellent eBooks available on the internet. Many of them, though expertly written and beautifully presented fail to make money for their authors. You can learn a lot from eBooks that have failed to sell. The most common mistake authors make is to be too broad in their scope. They try to cover every aspect of their subject and answer all possible questions that might arise. While that broad approach would be ideal for a university text book or a paper-published self-help manual it is not what's required from a digitally delivered Internet Marketed eBook. It pays to be aware of what your potential reader will type into a search engine if he is looking for the answers you provide. Inevitably your potential customer will be typing in a single phrase. He will be searching for a particular answer to a particular question.
Whether or not you make money from YOUR eBook depends on how you market it. And any marketing plan should start with the simple question of what problem are you solving.
The problem solving question should be uppermost in your mind while you are writing your book. The more focussed your approach and the more concentrated your advice the easier it will be to find a market for your eBook. And finding your market is what will make you money.
People DO make fortunes by writing and marketing e-books on the Internet. If you get it right there can be no more satisfying and profitable internet business. But you should think how your book will be sold, to whom and why BEFORE you start writing, and not as a marketing afterthought.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Charleson
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